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At IKIGAI, the Enric Carreras wants to take the path of the CD PRESAGIS. It is, therefore, an effective work, full and full of contrasting registers, with melodies of great lyricism and complex and meticulous arrangements..



Release Date: March 31, 2014
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1. Somiant el Cosmos
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2. Baladrau
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3. Universalis
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4. Saraís
5. Galilei
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6. Seqüències
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7. SOS Amazònia
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8. Samarkanda
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9. Finis Mundi
10. Presagis
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About New Album


  • Year: 2014
  • Label: Temps Record
  • Musicians: Enric Carreras (piano i teclats), Josep Traver (guitarres), Ayara Boschele (veu), Miquel Cobos (veu)


This is a very lush record, created in a wide range of colors. It is the Enric Carreras’s favorite, because it believes that it is the one that best synthesizes all the aesthetic postulates it defends: visual evocation, storytelling, radical eclecticism, long-running symphonic formats and drastic and surprising record changes within a same topic.

All these elements are clearly visible in PRESAGIS, to give shape to a disk conceived as a unit and with a clear message behind it: the denunciation of human pride and exacerbated anthropocentrism, which is causing the destruction of the planet.

The title is deliberately ambiguous: good or bad omens? (“Presagis” means “omens”, in catalan). It depends on whether we are able to rectify; perhaps we are still in time to rectify the situation. As a result of these reflections, the album moves between various musical colors: from chaos and destruction, to hope, through passages of great poetry, arising from the contemplation of Nature and the Cosmos.

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